
Media & Coverage

Discover behind-the-scenes content, updates, and exclusive insights from our podcast. Stay connected and dive into thought-provoking conversations and captivating stories. Join us and explore the topics that matter, one episode at a time. Here are A few of the impactful projects we’ve delivered include:


New India YouthPOD

Bite-sized podcasts for MyGov India, the citizen engagement platform for the Govt of India to bring out positive stories for the youth of India

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Canvas Space Podcast

Breaking down the Iconic and Oscar-winning song Natu Natu from RRR with the Tamil & Hindi Lyrics writers for Canvas Space along with Bite-Sized Organizational Value Focussed Podcasts

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In the Media:

Explore Yashika’s latest features and appearances, from interviews to reviews. Stay updated with our media buzz and growing presence.

Lets Work Together

Partner with Yashika and let’s create something amazing together. Whether you’re interested in collaborations, sponsorships, or guest appearances, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out today and join our journey!